90GHz og 110GHz høy frekvens RF konnektor og adapter
Bransjeledende VSWR og andre mekaniske og elektriske funksjoner som støttes opp til 110GHz og gir pålitelighet og høy ytelse!
- 5G
- ATE (Automated Test Equipment)
- Bench top
- Module
- Wireless devices
- Amplifiers, couplers, dividers, mixers, relays, attenuators, fitters, antennas
- Radars (radio detection and ranging)
- Industry Leading Performance: High frequency performance up to 110GHz. Extremely low insertion loss and VSWR
- Competitive Price & Fast Delivery: Our engineering and manufacturing expertise and global footprint enable competitive pricing and fast delivery
- Broad Portfolio: Portfolio includes a large breadth of RF connectors and adaptors with frequencies up to 110GHz (2.92mm, 3.5mm, 2.0mm, 1.85mm, 1.35mm, 1.00mm.
- Custom configurations available upon request