Ladeinntak for kommersielle og industrielle kjøretøy

En oppgradert ladeløsning med økt modularitet, robusthet og forhåndsmonterte sett og kabelsammenstillinger. Muliggjør rask, sikker lading samtidig som du letter dine vanskelige utfordringer med en modulær, robust design.
While connectivity inside a hybrid or electric vehicle requires high standards and safety, none are as likely to be interacted with as much as the charging port. Ensuring that it’s easy, safe, and reliable even in extreme conditions is a necessity, for the good of the vehicle, as well as everyone that operates or maintains it. Our ICT charging inlets, built specifically for industrial and commercial vehicles, are the right choice for facing the challenge.
Our charging inlet connectors are modular, so you can customize the product to your specific requirements. With cable exits to the left or right side, these connectors adapt to your design, not the other way around. Capable of 10,000 mating cycles, while charging at 250 VAC (at 32 A), and 1000 VDC (at 200 A), these charging inlets are designed specifically for the rigorous requirements of industrial and commercial vehicles. This means larger cable sizes than what’s seen in the Automotive market – DC 70 mm² / PE 25 mm² / AC 6 mm². Keeping safety top of mind means an integrated actuator for end position sensing, integrated PT1000 temperature sensors for enhanced temperature monitoring, and optional protective flaps to help keep out dust and moisture. With an LED charging indicator option available, your end user can easily distinguish when the vehicle is actively charging. Moreover, ease your supply chain and manufacturing worries by utilizing our available kits, and pigtail cable assemblies (available in 1.5 m or 3 m lengths).